With a few exceptions, our laws are written by people with little to no experience in mental health. Decisions made by the 140 members of the Alabama House and Senate directly impact our patients’ lives. We can choose to not get involved hope for the best, or we can take an active role in shaping state health policy.
The Alabama Medical PAC (ALAPAC) helps elect candidates to office whom we can work with on the important mental health issues facing our state.
I am asking your support for ALAPAC. By contributing to ALAPAC, we can help elect candidates we can work with on legislation affecting our patients and the practice of psychiatry.
In just the past few legislative sessions, ALAPAC-supported legislators helped:
• Stop the Patient Compensation System bill, with its annual $3,000 tax on each psychiatrist;
• Stop legislation that would have allowed marriage and family therapists to diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders;
• Improve the delivery of mental health services in Alabama;
• Ensure adequate funding for Medicaid to prevent loss of access for patients; and
• Stop drivers of physician burnout like MOC.
Laws impacting our patients and the practice psychiatry will continue to be introduced. Can ALAPAC and I count on your support? Donate now or learn more at www.alamedical.org.
Tarak M. Vasavada, MD
President, Alabama Psychiatric Physicians Association